Tick Tock
Tick tock, tick tock,
I am 60 now tick tock
I am too old to find love, tick tock
I must hurry before I get older, tick tock
Men like younger women, tick tock
I can’t get younger, tick tock
I will be alone, tick tock
So I furiously click, click, click on dating sites
Carefully I review what I see
Until I stop carefully reviewing what I see
Desperate, exhausted
No longer hopeful or expecting a miracle, tick tock
I hold on to him in my thoughts, but I know
He is not “the one”
But he is someone, anyone, tick tock
He is taking more of me than I have to give but I do it because of, the tick tock
But I do not have the time to waste on him, tick tock
But I am afraid I will have no one, tick tick tock tock
It is getting later, going faster and faster, afraid, tick tock
It is getting louder, stronger, more intense, TICK TOCK
And then it stops, stops,
No more, no more, no more of him, the clicking, the reading profiles, the interviewing, the hoping, the disappointments, the fear, no more
It is now quiet, peaceful and enough
I am enough
Enough for now
Now can he find me
Now that I am free, whole, present
I am safe
He can come to me in the quiet
The peaceful place
The place of my feminine
She draws him to me.